Grodan 6-phase model

Growers’ needs for structured cultivation information are continually increasing due to the improved insights into cultivation, development of new cultivation systems and the continuing increases in the scale of horticultural operations. The Grodan 6-phase model offers a blueprint for optimal crop results during both each cultivation phase and the entire cultivation period.

Greenhouse filled with swett pepper plants

Each phase is characterized by a specific development of the crop that imposes specific requirements in that phase. Consequently, the advice for each phase needs to be tailored to the specific stage and take account of the crop and rooting climate.

The Grodan 6-phase model not only assists growers in the selection of the appropriate substrate slab for a specific crop, but also helps then to determine the optimum watering strategy for the specific type of slab in each cultivation phase. The model can also assist in the determination of schedules for the plant load, temperature regimes, fertilization schedules, and CO2 and lighting levels. Users of the 6-phase model receive an e-mail with the relevant cultivation recommendations before the beginning of each cultivation phase.

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