But Ilkka is quick to add that neither Viherkaste nor Grodan could have solved things alone. “It’s important to realise that no one can give you the exact parameters you should use: this amount of water, that much light, etc. We had to figure those combinations out for ourselves. But through the Teams meetings, Thomas and Susanne could give us guidance, for example on how to introduce those changes. So we’d try one thing for a couple of weeks, then another. And by a process of trial and error, we slowly arrived at the right combinations. You can’t put a price on all the tips and advice we got from Grodan. It not only helped us solve this challenge. We’re now better equipped to figure out other issues before they become a real problem.”
Erkki agrees. “Thomas and Susanne’s support helped improve quality and production, but also helped us get rid of the unreliability. Reliable production is obviously very important to our clients, and it’s a long time since we’ve had any negative client feedback on the quality or reliability of our products.”
“And from our side,” adds Susanne, “it’s vital when developing this kind of product that we understand our customers’ actual needs. Their feedback helps us improve our products. It’s as simple as that.”