Sustainability report 2023

Grodan and Signify collaborate

Grodan and Fluence join forces

Designed to Grow


Designed to Grow

More than 50 years ago, we noticed a tiny plant growing in a piece of abandoned stone wool on a building site. Just as it's designed to do, nature had found a way to grow. And it inspired us to design a system to support it – a smarter, soilless way of growing that we evolve, explore and refine continuously. A system that promises high yields of consistent, high-quality fresh food and medicinal crops to feed and treat the world's growing population. 

Grodan greenhouse tomato woman

Grodan Newsletter

Do you want to learn more about Grodan? Feel free to sign up to our newsletter. Grodan ensures that growers can make optimum use of its products and services by interpretting the company’s knowledge of and experience with substrate cultivation in terms of up-to-date, crop-oriented advice. Ranging from tailor-made advice from crop consultants to newsletters, seminars and training courses and articles in trade journals.

Grodan, product

Feeding future urban populations - Introducing the vertical farm

Vertical farms are a very promising and sustainable solution to the growing needs for healthy, local foods in (over)populated urban areas. What’s more, at Grodan, we believe vertical farms will play an indispensable role in our future global food production. So, what is it all about?

Vertical Farming Picture
