Making informed decisions in respect to water and EC management
This article highlights the thought process for optimum root zone steering over a 24 hour period in line with the 6 Phase model. It highlights the need for a substrate that can be steered on irrigation session length. There are many ways to set up the ideal approach in the climate computer the tables above are only intended as examples. Whatever approach you take make sure that you create standardised graphics from the GroSens system and climate computer WC and EC together with radiation intensity, radiation sum. It’s important to scale the graphic correctly so that you can see the detail. This will provide you with the right management information on which you can base your decisions. Focus in on the graphic over 1 or 2 days to see the detail, focus out over 7 or 10 days to see the trends. When reading the graphic look for the key triggers in the decision making process should changes be required:
- What was the light sum at irrigation start time?
- At what light intensity was drain realised?
- Was EC lowest when radiation intensity was highest?
- What was the light intensity when the last irrigation was given?
- How many joules remained until sunset?
- What was the decrease in WC overnight?